I have always been a big fan of the Custom URL feature because that allows my profile to go public and receive more business opportunities.
- Setting Visibility to Public on ‘Edit Public Profile Option’.
- Enabling Visibility of all Sections while editing Public Profile Option.
- Updating Keywords in Skills Sections, getting endorsements and enabling visibility in Public Profile Section.
- Using your designation or keyword in profile Name URL. i.e., www.linkedin.com/in/keyword as public profile URL helps in getting traction for that keyword.
- Allowing everybody to see the changes you are making to profile on a regular basis. This will pull their attention to your profile.
- Enabling public visibility of your Contact Settings, Birthday completely at all times so that others may contact you anytime.
- Adding your contact details to headlines, summary etc. and enabling it for public view at all times.
- Enabling your profile picture to be viewable to Public at all times will improve credibility of your profile and attract more people to connect with you.
- Enabling visibility of Groups you have joined and Companies you follow. This will allow people to understand your interests and connect with you.
- Allowing people to wish you work anniversaries and happy birthday by enabling the Settings. This will keep your audience engaged.
If you have more exciting ideas, email me on nandini@freedomwriters.in.